Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The Greater Anglia Franchise Wish List

As you may know, the public consultation for the new Anglia franchise (currently run by Abellio Greater Anglia or AGA) is under way. The current franchise comes to an end in October 2016. The link to the consultation is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/east-anglia-rail-passenger-franchise - Please go and fill it in.

But we, as commuters who run the AGA Complaints group on Facebook and the @Delayed_Again account on Twitter would like to compile a wish list of you, as commuters want from the new franchise (and if possible) from the remainder one. The idea of the wish list is that it will compliment the public consultation and reinforce what the commuters actually want from the franchise and doesn't just cover subjects that are touched upon in the public consultation. To coin a phrase, power to the people!

If you are on Twitter, you could tweet me at @RealDC80 and/or @Delayed_Again with your ideas using Hash tag: #GreaterAngliaWishList, join my AGA Complaints group on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/agacomplaints or e-mail greaterangliacomplaints@gmail.com if you're not on Facebook or Twitter.

We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. My wish is that AGA stop destroying small independents! 24 years on the platform and they destroyed my business! For greed! This has happened on many stations, they are sterilising the platforms! Not everyone wants a costa and a scanner. A friendly face that greets you and knows your order is what we accomplished. Blown away by Abellio. It needs to stop......

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