Monday 8 December 2014

Over running engineering works on 8th December

So much as we hate AGA, sometimes Network Rail are just as guilty for annoying the hell out of commuters. Lately we've had plenty of infrastructure faults which neither AGA or NR have never apologised for, but on 8th December we had over running engineering works, combined with AGA not having contingency plans, causing as much hell for commuters as on previous occasions. We have an apology from Richard Schofield of NR on AGA's website at:

And here is the apology for when AGA delete it:

We are genuinely sorry for the problems that affected train services this morning.
As part of the ongoing programme to upgrade the railway line between London and Norwich, we were installing new track at Seven Kings. Unfortunately, we encountered unforeseen problems while carrying out this work.
After removing the old track and digging up the track foundations, the condition of the track foundations was not as expected, meaning we needed more time to complete the work. Unfortunately when carrying out upgrades on the network we do sometimes encounter problems such as these.
Please accept our apologies for this morning’s problems. We are acutely aware of the frustration and inconvenience felt by passengers when things go wrong, and are taking action to improve performance standards and service consistency.

Richard Schofield
Route Director
Network Rail

Please Richard, get this sorted out, no more over runs, no more failures of the infrastructure which blight peoples lives. The faults risk peoples jobs and livelihoods with the delays they cause.

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