Sunday 10 August 2014

Weekly Report W/C 4/8/14

Monday 4/8/14
08:59 Shenfield (SNF) to 09:34 Southend Victoria (SOV) - T 321364 C 72008
Pulled in to SNF @ 08:59
Pulled in to SOV @ 09:33
Slightly threadbare seats and sticky floor.
14:50 SOV to 15:25 SNF - T 321322 C 77874
Left SOV @ 14:50
Pulled in to SNF @ 15:23

Tuesday 5/8/14
No Travel

Wednesday 6/8/14
No Travel

Thursday 7/8/14
11:27 Brentwood (BRE) to 11:38 Romford (RMF) - T 315821 C 64503
Pulled in to BRE @ 11:28
Pulled in to RMF @ 11:39
Rubbish still on seats only one stop away from originating station.
16:16 RMF to 16:27 BRE - T 315818 C 64495
Pulled in to RMF @ 16:17
Pulled in to BRE @ 16:28

Friday 8/8/14
No Travel

Saturday 9/8/14
No Travel

Sunday 10/8/14
No Travel

Only travelled twice as I am on holiday this week. Total delay of 2 minutes from departing stations and 2 minutes getting to destination stations. Used Oyster Card between BRE and RMF.

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