Saturday 2 August 2014

Weekly Report W/C 28/7/14

Monday 28/7/14
No Travel

Tuesday 29/7/14
12:03 Shenfield(SNF) to 12:12 Chelmsford(CHM) - T 360118 C 74568
Pulled into SNF @ 12:01
Pulled into CHM @ 12:11
21:16 CHM to 21:27 SNF - T 360120 C 68570
Pulled into CHM @ 21:14
Pulled into SNF @ 21:25

Wednesday 30/7/14
12:03 SNF to 12:12 CHM - T 360121 C 74571
Pulled into SNF @ 12:00
Pulled into CHM @ 12:10
Stained, treadbare seats
21:16 CHM to 21:27 SNF - T 360106 C 72556
Pulled into CHM @ 21:15
Pulled into SNF @ 21:31
Short formed, 4 carriages instead of 8, scratched windows, banana skins on seats

Thursday 31/7/14
12:03 SNF to 12:12 CHM - T 360110 C 74560
Pulled into SNF @ 12:04
Pulled into CHM @ 12:14
Stained, threadbare seats, filthy carpets
21:16 CHM to 21:27 SNF - T 360102 C 65552
Pulled into CHM @ 21:19
Pulled into SNF @ 21:30
Dried on BBQ Sauce coloured stain on seat next to mine

Friday 1/8/14
12:03 SNF to 12:12 CHM - T 360119 C 74569
Pulled into SNF @ 12:05
Pulled into CHM @ 12:16
21:16 CHM to 21:27 SNF - T 360115 C 68565
Pulled into CHM @ 21:15
Pulled into SNF @ 21:25

Saturday 2/8/14
11:03 SNF to 11:12 CHM - T 360106 C 68556
Pulled into SNF @ 11:01
Pulled into CHM @ 11:11
20:09 CHM to 20:19 SNF - T 360102 C 65552
Pulled into CHM @ 20:07
Pulled into SNF @ 20:18

Sunday 3/8/14
No Travel

Mostly early getting to departure station and to destination station, late three times, totalling 9 minutes lateness at destination, and 4 minutes lateness at departure station.

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