Monday, 23 March 2015

Weekly Travel Report W/C 16th March 2015

Monday 16th March
15.17 BRE to 15.49 SRA
Train: 315842 & 315805 Carriage: 64544
1st of 8 Carriages
Pulled into BRE @ 15.17
Pulled out of BRE @ 15.18
Pulled into SRA @ 15.51 (2 Minutes Late)
Temp: 17.3 to 19.9 C
Humidity: 41 to 46 %
Notes: Heating doesn't feel as if it's on. Dirty floors, what where they thinking when they painted the vestibules pink? Delayed by a preceding train running late. Seats are not overly comfortable.


21.02 LST to 21.24 SNF
Train: 321347 & 321344 Carriage: 77896
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled out of LST @ 21.03
Pulled into SNF @ 31.26
Temp: 17.6 to 20.1 C
Humidity: 42 %
Notes: Walked through hole train (4 carriages) threadbare seats, dirty floors, etc.

Tuesday 17th March
11.41 SNF to 11.52 CHM
Train: 360109 Carriage: 74559
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 11.41
Pulled out of SNF @ 11.42
Pulled into CHM @ 11.52
Temp: 20.1 to 20.6 C
Humidity: 43 to 46 %
Notes: Threadbare seats, dirty carpets. Clean exterior.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360102 & 360117 Carriage: 68567
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 17.5 to 19.2 C
Humidity: 46 to 52 %
Notes: Horrendously dirty! Filthy and disgusting. Filthy, stained and threadbare seats.

Wednesday 18th March
No Travel

Thursday 19th March
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360102 Carriage: 72552
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.02
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.03
Pulled into CHM @ 12.12
Temp: 17.3 to 19.8 C
Humidity: 42 to 44 %
Notes: Dirty floors, faded seat backs.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360105 & 360117 Carriage: 68567
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 16.9 to 18.8 C
Humidity: 42 to 46 %
Notes: Papers everywhere, threadbare seats, dirty floors.

Friday 20th March
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360102 Carriage: 72552
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.01
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.02
Pulled into CHM @ 12.11
Temp: 17.8 to 19.0 C
Humidity: 40 to 42 %
Notes: Dirty interior, 2 AGA staff taking up 6 seats.

20.56 CHM to 21.08 SNF
Train: 360110/112 Carriage: 68562
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.08
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.09
Pulled into SNF @ 21.19 (11 Minutes Late - Got to SNF 8 Minutes earlier than normal)
Temp: 18.2 C
Humidity: 44 to 45 %
Notes: Got this train as trains are delayed by a signal or points failure at Ipswich. Carriage number partly missing from first class area. Dirty floors, faded seat backs.

Saturday 21st March
10.27 SNF to 10.33 BIC
Train: 321429 & 321423 Carriage: 77965
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 10.25
Pulled out of SNF @ 10.27
Pulled into BIC @ 10.33
Temp: 17.9 to 18.5 C
Humidity: 41 to 42 %
Notes: Grey/Red, dirty floors, driver sounds quite cheerful this morning.

10.40 BIC to 11.07 CHM
Bus Registration: EU63CVP
Bus Company: Stephenson's 
Bus Number: 205
Pulled out of BIC @ 10.39
Pulled into CHM @ 11.06
Temp: 18.3 to 21.1 C
Humidity: 40 to 46 %
Notes: Clean and tidy, as usual.

20.08 CHM to 20.35 BIC
Bus Registration: EU63CVP
Bus Company: Stephenson's 
Bus Number: 205
Pulled out of CHM @ 20.08
Pulled into BIC @ 20.33
Temp: 17.5 to 19.5 C
Humidity: 45 to 47 %
Notes: Clean and tidy.

20.45 BIC to 20.52 SNF
Train: 321444, 321423 & 321429 Carriage: 78123
9th of 12 Carriages
Pulled into BIC @ 20.41
Pulled out of BIC @ 20.45
Pulled into SNF @ 20.51
Temp: 18.1 to 18.2 C
Humidity: 40 to 41 %
Notes: Red/Grey, can't see much dirt on the seats, dirty floors, traction issues on acceleration.

Sunday 22nd March
10.23 SNF to 10.59 LST
Train: 321352 & 321349 Carriage: 78087
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 10.21
Pulled out of SNF @ 10.23
Pulled into LST @ 10.58
Temp: 19.1 to 21.4 C
Humidity: 39 to 40 %
Notes: Green/Blue. Dirty floors, threadbare seats.


12.20 EUS to 13.22 COV (Virgin Trains West Coast service)
Train: 390157 Carriage: 69957
Pre-booked seat B14
2nd of 11 Carriages
Pulled out of EUS @ 12.20
Pulled into COV @ 13.19
Temp: 16.4 to 25.7 C
Humidity: 27 to 41 %
Notes: Clean and tidy as usual.

13.46 COV to 13.57 BEH (London Midland service)
Train: 153375 Carriage: 57375
1 Carriage
Pulled into COV @ Already there.
Pulled out of COV @ 13.48
Pulled into BEH @ 13.58 (1 Minute Late)
Temp: 18.2 to 19.4 C
Humidity: 31 to 35 %
Notes: Half the lights not on. Otherwise, slightly dirty carpet but clean seats. Left COV slightly late to let a Pendolino pull into Platform 2.

General Notes:
Quite a good week for delays, one was on a London Midland service. AGA trains have their usual uncleanliness and threadbare look.

Station Codes:
BRE = Brentwood, SRA = Stratford (London), LST = London Liverpool Street, SNF = Shenfield, CHM = Chelmsford, EUS = London Euston, COV = Coventry, BEH = Bedworth

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Weekly Travel Report W/C 9th March 2015

Monday 9th March
See Special Travel Report Here

Tuesday 10th March
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360113 Carriage: 74563
2nd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.01
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.03
Pulled into CHM @ 12.12
Temp: 17.1 to 18.6 C
Humidity: 42 to 45 %
Notes: Papers on the floor, dirty, torn, threadbare seats. Dirty windows.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360102 & 360120 Carriage: 65570
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 17.7 to 19.7 C
Humidity: 44 %
Notes: Papers everywhere, threadbare seats.

Wednesday 11th March

12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360105 Carriage: 74555
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.02
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.04
Pulled into CHM @ 12.14 (2 Minutes Late)
Temp: 20.5 to 21.8 C
Humidity: 41 to 42 %
Notes: Exterior recently cleaned (shock horror), recently cleaned seats, still threadbare. Dirty floors.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360111& 360104 Carriage: 65554
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.27
Temp: 17.7 to 19.6 C
Humidity: 41 to 43 %
Notes: Dirty floors and seats.

Thursday 12th March
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360105 Carriage: 74555
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.03
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.05
Pulled into CHM @ 12.12
Temp: 17.7 to 20.2 C
Humidity: 38 to 41 %
Notes: Exterior cleaned, stained floors, recently cleaned seats

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360109 & 360116 Carriage: 68566
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.25
Temp: 17.5 to 19.5 C
Humidity: 40 to 46 %
Notes: Threadbare seats, dirty floors.

Friday the 13th (March) What could possibly go wrong?
11.41 SNF to 11.52 CHM
Train: 360113 Carriage: 74563
2nd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 11.46
Pulled out of SNF @ 11.47
Pulled into CHM @ 11.57 (5 Minutes Late)
Temp: 20.1 to 20.4 C
Humidity: 37 to 40 %
Notes: Dirty floors and threadbare seats.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360120 & 360112 Carriage: 65562
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.14
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.25
Temp: 17.8 to 19.5 C
Humidity: 46 to 53 %
Notes: Dirty floors and seats.

Saturday 14th March
10.27 SNF to 10.33 BIC
Train: 321439 & 321447 Carriage: 78159
4th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 10.25
Pulled out of SNF @ 10.27
Pulled into BIC @ 10.32
Temp: 12.3 to 12.7 C
Humidity: 42 to 44 %
Notes: Green seats, blue grab handles. Dirty floors and seats.

10.40 BIC to 11.07 CHM
Bus Registration: EU64CYP
Bus Company: Stephenson's
Bus Number: 205
Pulled out of BIC @ 10.39
Pulled into CHM @ 11.06
Temp: 12.9 to 15.1 C
Humidity: 44 to 47 %
Notes: Already ready to go, clean, but feels really cold.

20.08 CHM to 20.35 BIC
Bus Registration: EU64CYP
Bus Company: Stephenson's
Bus Number: 205
Pulled out of CHM @ 20.08
Pulled into BIC @ 20.32
Temp: 17.1 to 18.8 C
Humidity: 40 to 42 %
Notes: Clean and tidy.

20.45 BIC to 20.52 SNF
Train: 321424, 321447 & 321439 Carriage: 78159
9th of 12 Carriages
Pulled into BIC @ 20.43
Pulled out of BIC @ 20.45
Pulled into SNF @ 20.51
Temp: 18.1 to 18.2 C
Humidity: 39 %
Notes: Dirty seats & Floors

Sunday 15th March
09.21 SNF to 09.27 BIC
Train: 321301 Carriage: 78049
4 of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 09.20
Pulled out of SNF @ 09.21
Pulled into BIC @ 09.27
Temp: 15.5 to 15.8 C
Humidity: 39 to 45 %
Notes:Green seats, blue grab handles, dirty floors and worn seats

09.43 BIC to 10.10 CHM
Bus Registration: EU13EBL
Bus Company: Stephenson's
Bus Number: 205
Pulled out of BIC @ 09.43
Pulled into CHM @ 10.05
Temp: 14.9 to 18.4 C
Humidity: 42 to 49 %
Notes: Generally clean and tidy.

19.29 CHM to 19.55 BIC
Bus Registration: EX13UZW
Bus Company: Stephenson's
Bus Number: 206
Pulled out of CHM @ 19.29
Pulled into BIC @ 19.51
Temp: 17.5 to 19.2 C
Humidity: 42 to 47 %
Notes: Generally clean and tidy

20.04 BIC to 20.11 SNF
Train: 321366/359 Carriage: 72003
7th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into BIC @ 19.58
Pulled out of BIC @ 20.04
Pulled into SNF @ 20.10
Temp: 16.4 to 18.0 C
Humidity: 41 to 45 %
Notes: Green/Blue, dirty floors and seats.

General Notes:
Total of just 7 minutes late on 2 journey's so not a bad week for punctuality. Class 321 trains generally need their thermostat's looking at to make sure they operate at a comfortable temperature, but other than the usual complaints about cleanliness, shouldn't complain too much. Most of the Class 360 trains look like they've had their exteriors cleaned lately. I wonder how long they will stay clean and how often they will clean them.

Look at how clean 360102 was on 12th March!
It probably won't last, but it's nice to see it when it does happen.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Trip Home from Bedworth 9th March

London Midland
20.22 BEH to 20.34 COV
Train: 153375 Carriage: 57375
Single Carriage
Pulled into BEH @ 20.19
Pulled out of BEH @ 20.22
Pulled into COV @ 20.34
Temp: 16.3 to 18.2 C
Humidity: 48 to 52 %
Notes: Little bit of rubbish, but otherwise clean and tidy.

Virgin Trains (West Coast)
21.11 COV to 22.13 EUS
Prebooked Seat Coach C, Seat 1
Train: 390049 Carriage: 69849
7th of 9 Carriages
Pulled into COV @ 21.09
Pulled out of COV @ 21.11
Pulled into EUS @ 22.13
Temp: 16.2 to 23.8 C
Humidity: 42 to 52 %
Notes: Clean and tidy.

London Underground
Northern Line EUS to MOG, Metropolitan Line MOG to LST.

Abellio Greater Anglia
23.02 LST to 23.31 SNF
Train: 321330 & 321366 Carriage: 63004
3rd of 8 Carriages
Pulled out of LST @ 23.02
Pulled into SNF @ 23.30
Temp: 18.5 to 22.9 C
Humidity: 45 to 49 %
Notes: Floors a bit dirty, seats threadbare and knackered. Feels like there is traction issues. Doors making an awful noise, worse than normal on a 321.

General Notes:
No issues with tonight's journey at all, AGA's train was in it's usual state of cleanliness, and showed up a lot by VTWC and London Underground. It does make you wonder how Underground trains can remain clean with how frequently they run, but AGA can't manage to keep their trains clean. More cleaners maybe? It's not difficult.

Station Codes
BEH = Bedworth, COV = Coventry, EUS = London Euston, MOG = Moorgate, LST = London Liverpool Street, SNF = Shenfield

Monday, 9 March 2015

Journey to Bedworth 8th March

First Essex Buses
10.02 PL to 10.23 SNF
Service: 80A - Bus Reg/Fleet No: YX13AKK 44547
Pulled into PL @ 10.05
Pulled out of PL @ 10.07
Pulled into SNF @ 10.26 (3 Minutes Late)
Temp: 18.3 to 19.8 C
Humidity: 43 to 45 %
Notes: Dirty floors, clean seats.

Abellio Greater Anglia
10.41 SNF to 11.14 LST
Train: 321359/312 Carriage: 78061 (First Class)
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 10.40
Pulled out of SNF @ 10.42
Pulled into LST @ 11.14
Temp: 18.1 to 20.5 C
Humidity: 44 to 45 %
Notes: Dirty floors, even in First Class! Heating not on, but not an issue today, I had First Class to myself, but looking at it's condition, it's no surprise that people aren't stupid enough to book First Class on AGA trains.

London Underground
Got Central Line from LST to Bank and Northern Line from Bank to EUS, both trains were clean and tidy and not overly crowded.

Virgin Trains (West Coast)
12.20 EUS to 13.22 COV
Prebooked Seat Coach H, Seat 24 (First Class)
Train: 390040 Carriage: 69540
7th of 9 Carriages
Pulled out of EUS @ 12.20
Pulled into COV @ 13.16
Temp: 21.1 to 23.1 C
Humidity: 42 to 46 %
Notes: Superbly clean and tidy! As you'd expect from Virgin Trains (West Coast)

London Midland
13.46 COV to 13.57 BEH
Train: 153365 Carriage: 57365
Single Carriage
Pulled out of COV @ 13.47
Pulled into BEH @ 13.58 (2 Minutes Late)
Temp: 20.1 to 22.4 C
Humidity: 42 to 49 %
Notes: A little bit of rubbish but otherwise clean.

General Notes:
It was a relatively relaxing journey to Bedworth, First Class was a good choice, for the Virgin Trains leg anyway. It cost me an extra £3,55 compared to a Standard Class ticket, which was well worth it as I got to use the First Class Lounge at Euston, which has complimentary snacks and drinks, I also got the snack box on the train, as pictured above, which was worth the extra money in itself. And that's not forgetting the additional complimentary can of Pepsi Max on the train and free use of the WiFi on the train and in the lounge.

Train Station/Bus Stop Codes:
PL = Pondfield Lane Bus Stop, SNF = Shenfield, LST = London Liverpool Street, EUS = London Euston, COV = Coventry & BEH = Bedworth.

Weekly Travel Report W/C 2nd March 2015

Monday 2nd March
No Travel

Tuesday 3rd March
11.41 SNF to 11.52 CHM
Train: 360110 Carriage: 74560
2nd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 11.44
Pulled out of SNF @ 11.45
Pulled into CHM @ 11.54 (2 Minutes Late)
Temp: 18.4 to 19.1 C
Humidity: 40 to 42 %
Notes: Dirty floors, cleanish seats. No announcements. Still saying next stop Stratford on info screens.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360105 & 360121 Carriage: 68571
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 16.5 to 18.9 C
Humidity: 38 to 42 %
Notes: Oh what a shocker, it's filthy.

Wednesday 4th March
11.41 SNF to 11.52 CHM
Train: 360113 Carriage: 65563
1st of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 11.48
Pulled out of SNF @ 11.49
Pulled into CHM @ 11.59 (7 Minutes Late)
Temp: 14.3 to 18.2 C
Humidity: 39 to 42 %
Notes: Dirty floors and seats.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360114 & 360103 Carriage: 68553
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 16.7 to 18.9 C
Humidity: 39 to 43 %
Notes: Dirty, threadbare seats, dirty floors.

Thursday 5th March
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360113 Carriage: 74563
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.06
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.07
Pulled into CHM @ 12.15 (3 Minutes Late)
Temp: 15.3 to 18.1 C
Humidity: 39 to 41 %
Notes: Dirty floors, dirty threadbare seats.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360105 & 360117 Carriage: 65567
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.25
Temp: 16.5 to 19.4 C
Humidity: 43 to 49 %
Notes: Unknown thing stuck to a seat, besides that, the usual threadbare and dirty seats and floors.

Friday 6th March
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360120 Carriage: 74570
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.06
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.07
Pulled into CHM @ 12.15 (3 Minutes Late)
Temp: 16.1 to 17.1 C
Humidity: 42 to 47 %
Notes: Dirty, threadbare seats and dirty carpets.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360116 & 360112 Carriage: 65562
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 17.2 to 18.5 C
Humidity: 45 to 48 %
Notes: Dirty floors, faded seat backs.

Saturday 7th March
Journey to CHM - Given a lift to CHM, so no info.

20.08 CHM to 20.35 BIC
Bus Registration: EU64CYP
Bus Company: Stephenson's
Bus Number: 207
Pulled out of CHM @ 20.08
Pulled into BIC @ 20.32
Temp: 18.1 to 18.4 C
Humidity: 43 to 44 %
Notes: Clean and tidy.

20.45 BIC to 30.52 SNF
Train: 322429, 321444 & 321426 Carriage: 78120
9th of 12 Carriages
Pulled into BIC @ 20.42
Pulled out of BIC @ 20.45
Pulled into SNF @ 20.50
Temp: 18.3 to 19.9 C
Humidity: 41 to 42 %
Notes: Declassified First Class section. Red grab handles and grey seats. Seats don't look too dirty, floors a bit dirty. Heating doesn't feel like it's on, carriage is getting colder.

Sunday 8th March
Check out my special blog post for my journey to Bedworth.

General Notes:
A total of 15 minutes late over four journeys. Trains are still generally dirty, no change their really, AGA need to improve if they're going to keep the franchise, but I hope they don't.

Monday, 2 March 2015

The Story of the Paint Jobs

Have you ever looked at an Abellio Greater Anglia (AGA) train and wondered, that paint job is a bit boring? A bit plain? Or what where they thinking when they painted it plain white? Well, I have, sad I know, but there it is. Virgin Trains East Coast (VTEC) have today been tweeting pictures of their trains today, a lot of which have been repainted, they don't hang around, they've only been operating since start of service yesterday (Sunday 1st March).

Here's an example of a VTEC Driving Van Trailer (DVT), coupled to some newly partly re-painted carriages:
Which would have looked like this (an East Coast train) before being repainted:

Now, AGA have had their trains since February 2012, yet a lot of their trains have remained identical to when they were run by National Express East Anglia (NXEA), the only trains they've repainted are a lot of their InterCity trains and some Class 315 trains, which have been painted white with red doors. Take into account that Virgin Trains West Coast (VTWC) operated them prior to NXEA got their grubby mitts on them.

Here's an example of a DVT while in service with VTWC:
Which ended up looking like this under NXEA:
And will end up looking like this, if it hasn't already, under AGA:

I think you'll agree that it's original VTWC Pre-Pendolino livery looked better, and when VTWC took on another set of Mark III carriages after one of their Pendolino's got derailed, which hence forth became known as the Pretendolino (which AGA have now got their grubby mitts on, thankfully it's not been re-painted white yet):

All those pictures are mainly of DVTs but AGA's Class 315, 317, 321, 360 trains don't look any better, some have still got the full on NXEA Silver and White (with Blue doors) livery, others have the old One Blue with White Stripe livery some with White doors and other with Sky Blue doors, as seen in DVT 82143, and some trains have a NXEA "work in progress" livery which is very similar to the current AGA livery but with Blue doors instead of Red (or Grey on DVTs or locomotives)

So who thinks that, given other Train Operating Companies efforts, AGA should up their game a bit and come up with an interesting livery or not bother repainting their trains at all? Answers on a post card.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Weekly Travel Report W/C 23/02/15

Monday 23rd February
No Travel

Tuesday 24th February
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360102 Carriage: 74552
2nd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.03
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.04
Pulled into CHM @ 12.12
Temp: 18.1 to 19.6 C
Humidity: 37 to 38 %
Notes: Dirty as usual.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360115 & 360120 Carriage: 65570
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 17.9 to 19.2 C
Humidity: 36 %
Notes: Filthy!

Wednesday 25th February
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360111 Carriage: 72561
3rd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.04
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.05
Pulled into CHM @ 12.13 (1 Minute Late)
Temp: 17.4 to 19.2 C
Humidity: 44 to 46 %
Notes: Dirty, stained seats and carpets.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360108 & 360118 Carriage: 65568
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.26
Temp: 18.7 to 20.0 C
Humidity: 42 %
Notes: 360108 clean exterior, 360118 not. My carriage looks to have recently hoovered seats. But dirty floors and stains still as present as ever.

Thursday 26th February
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360115 Carriage: 74565
2nd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.05
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.07
Pulled into CHM @ 12.15 (3 Minutes Late)
Temp: 19.2 to 20.8 C
Humidity: 45 to 51 %
Notes:  Dirty floors, thread bare seats.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360102 & 360105 Carriage: 65555
5th of 8 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.15
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.25
Temp: 17.2 to 19.0 C
Humidity: 41 to 45 %
Notes: Dirty floors, newspapers everywhere, reasonably clean seats. Toilet locked out of use in next carriage (72555).

Friday 27th February
12.03 SNF to 12.12 CHM
Train: 360103 Carriage: 72553
2nd of 4 Carriages
Pulled into SNF @ 12.03
Pulled out of SNF @ 12.04
Pulled into CHM @ 12.12
Temp: 17.2 to 19.3 C
Humidity: 40 to 44 %
Notes: Usual dirty floors and threadbare seats.

21.16 CHM to 21.27 SNF
Train: 360106 Carriage: 68556
4th of 4 Carriages
Pulled into CHM @ 21.14
Pulled out of CHM @ 21.16
Pulled into SNF @ 21.24
Temp: 18.5 to 20.0 C
Humidity: 39 to 41 %
Notes: Short formed, dirty floors & seats, rubbish everywhere.

Saturday 28th February
Drove to work today as I had access to a car.

Sunday 1st March
No Travel

General Notes:
The typical unclean trains are ever present. Out of eight journey's, I was only late to my destination twice, totaling a delay of four minutes. I decided to drive to work on Saturday as I had access to my car and paying for car parking was preferable to using the rail replacement arrangements currently on at weekends. I saw the 'refurbished' Mark III carriage on Friday, people inside didn't look too bothered, and I also saw a Class 315 at Shenfield that had been repainted in TfL colours.

TfL painted Class 315 (35 years old)

Refurbished Mark III carriage 12013 (40 years old)

Station Codes:
CHM = Chelmsford, SNF = Shenfield.